Latest Episodes

The Campfire Chats, Questland by Carrie Vaughn: A Book Review
Todays Sponsors: Ridleys Gaming Realm Off the Pages Travel The Book Questland Carrie Vaughn Taking a stab at doing video for The Campfire Chats...

I scream, you scream, we all scream for boozy ice cream
Todays Sponsers Ridleys Gaming Realm and Off The Pages Travel. Alec Wankel joins me to talk about his business Top Shelf Creamery, a Rochester...

Alt right, Alt Right, Alt Right
Chris joins me to discuss the alt rights adoption of pop culture as a means to bring in new members. Then in the second...

Catching Up
Pat joins me on the pod again to discuss being a new father, Matt Gaetz, 21 Lessons for the 21st Centry and more.

DFAT Justice League Part2: Road to the Snyder Cut
The epic DFAT enterntainment team up continues in part 2 of our Synder Cut convo. Here we talk about the events that happened which...

Books with Bob Proehl
Bob Proehl joins me to discuss Books Dust Covers, Comics & Wanda Vision, the internet Archive and his own books A Hundred Thousand Worlds,...